Family Counseling
in Vero Beach, Florida
Here at Rebecca Inman Counseling, we believe that you can create a life of true fulfillment and passion. Your mental health and well being is a right of passage. We provide family counseling, individual counseling and high-conflict mediation. All of our therapeutic services are provided with a focus on purpose-driven goals, stress-reduction, and spiritual clarity.
How Can We Help You?
Life Can Be Really Hard
Individual Counseling
Life is full of challenges. As a counselor, Rebecca Inman can help you to see the beauty that life holds for each and every person. We work with our clients to help them sift through their emotions to find their true purpose in life. Self-discovery can be painful. It can also be beautiful.
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression or hopelessness? We were never meant to live of life of emptiness and without purpose. Rather, we were meant to live a life of hope and passion. If you are searching for what your true north is, please give us a call. We work with our clients to help them with issues of grief, low self-esteem. self-doubt, difficulties in managing stress, self-injury, depression and more.
You Were Meant to be Happy
Family Counseling
Rebecca Inman, is a counseling as well as a family mediator. She has spent many years studying and honing her skill set. Rebecca provides therapeutic counseling and family mediation in a warm and friendly environment in Vero Beach, Florida.
The statistics on divorce are astounding. Every four seconds a divorce is granted in the United States. We work with each member in a family unit to help them to create meaningful dialogue and to close a painful chapter in their lives. As a Supreme Court Family Mediator she helps families to resolve their conflict so that they can communicate effectively.
We Help Families to Heal & Start New
Family Mediation
Rebecca Inman, is a counseling as well as a family mediator. She has spent many years studying and honing her skill set. Rebecca provides therapeutic counseling and family mediation in a warm and friendly environment in Vero Beach, Florida.
The statistics on divorce are astounding. Every four seconds a divorce is granted in the United States. We work with each member in a family unit to help them to create meaningful dialogue and to close a painful chapter in their lives. As a Supreme Court Family Mediator she helps families to resolve their conflict so that they can communicate effectively.
Rebecca has been appointed by the Supreme Court of Florida to provide mediation services for high-conflict families. She is available for mediation services in the entire state of Florida.
We are a private practice offering a myriad of services to help our clients create a life of fulfillment and passion. We offer counseling, mediation and business success coaching. Rebecca offers speaking services through Florida and the United States. She has worked with hundreds of individuals to move from being stuck to flourishing in their lives.

“Love Yourself! Its the most important job that you will ever have.”
Are you struggling with your purpose in life and feel that your past has defined you? Have you experienced a traumatic event or the loss of a loved one and cannot find the words to express your sadness? Have you lived with or been married to a narcissist person that has spent years gas lighting and has attempted to convince you that you will never amount to anything?
Domestic Violence does not define you. It is not who you are. Regardless if they are currently in your life or from your past,your narcissistic partner does not have to control your future. You can break free of their emotional stronghold. You were meant to create a life of true passion; A life that you design without the shackles of emptiness, worthlessness and guilt.
Create A Life of Passion
I want to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with Rebecca Inman.
Binge Worthy
Our Blog: A Passionate Mind
Our mission is to help others become the best version of themselves. We have put together comprehensive, binge-worthy articles on how you can create a life by design. Imagine having a Passionate Mind? Yes, you can.

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Breathwork for Life
Everyone that
comes to see me as a clinician gets my “Breathwork Lecture”. Well, maybe no …

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Counseling & Vacation
Summer time is important for families. It is the time of the year that families spend quality time together …

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Positive Psychology
Positive psychology is a theoretical approach that is used in counseling as well as in org …