divorce coaching
Do you Need Support with the Divorce Process?
Divorce Coaching
With Rebecca Inman
Empower Yourself
Reach Out and Talk With
a Professional
There are several options to approaching the divorce process. Couples can decide to use a family attorney, a family mediator, or they can represent themselves, known as Pro Se.
Another option is a Divorce Coach. There are many benefits to a Divorce Coach. Rebecca Inman offers Divorce coaching as a flexible, goal-oriented process that is designed to support, motivate, and guide our clients who are going through divorce. As a Divorce Coach we help our clients make the best possible decisions for what is best for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns.
Divorce coaches have different professional backgrounds and are selected based on the specific needs of the clients. Some divorce coaches are financial planners, mental health professionals, lawyers, or mediators who have experience dealing with divorcing clients
Our is located in Vero Beach, Florida. We are counselors, family mediators, and divorce coaches.

There are many decisions that need to be made during a divorce. While they provide valuable guidance during the process, an attorney’s job is adversarial. Their job is to be one the side of one and only one of the individuals who are part of the divorce. A Mediator is also a valuable tool in the divorce process. Unfortunately, by the time that a Mediator is brought into the divorce process, tempers have flared, and emotions have become convoluted.
A Divorce Coach can help individuals to make sound decisions prior to becoming a number in the system. This is your life, a divorce is an important decision. There are may moving parts to a divorce. The role of an attorney and a mediator is not to educate their clients, rather represent them.
The process of a divorce can move quickly. It can also move at the pace of a turtle and be very costly. Divorce Coaching offers many benefits including guiding clients prior to a divorce, during a divorce as well as after a divorce. A Divorce Coach is a valuable tool to helping their clients navigate the process of divorcing and provide valuable guidance and advice.
As a Divorce Coach, I can help my clients to make better decisions as they go through the process of ending their marriage. A Divorce Coach can be used in all stages of the process. If you are considering ending your marriage and would like a consultation, please call our office at 772.742.2020.
Rebecca Inman offers Divorce Coaching services in her office in Vero Beach, Florida. She has many accolades to her name including National Certified Counselor, and Supreme Court Family Mediator. Rebecca is passionate about helping her clients to navigate through the process of divorcing their spouse so that they can move forward in living a more peaceful life. If you have decided to divorce your spouse and are in need of advice, a Divorce Coach can help you through the process.
It’s the Most Important Job that You’ll Ever Have.
Rebecca Inman

Frequently asked questions
We do not accept any insurance at this time. We will most likely never accept insurance due to the information that is reported to the MIB or Medical Information Bureau. We also do not want to have our counseling sessions dictated by an insurance carrier.
Our fees vary and begin at $80 per 50-minute session for individual therapy. Couple’s counseling is $100 per 50-minute session, and Family Mediation is $175 per hour. We accept cash, check and all major credit cards.
Our office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00. We do not have any weekend hours. Counseling is available through an online HIPAA compliant portal. Counseling cannot be done through texting or email.
Do You Offer Faith-Based Counseling?
As a faith-based counselor, we encourage our clients to share their specific faith and religion. We tell our clients that we want them to be comfortable and to feel welcomed. We offer faith-based counseling as well as traditional counseling for individuals who are either agnostic, indifferent or struggling with their religious views.